
Top Reasons to Get an Intraoral Scanner for Your Clinic

The science of dentistry has evolved with the advent of new technologies. It has made the diagnosis of dental ailments and predicting the right course of treatment, easier and convenient. The field of orthodontics can benefit a lot if dentists leverage the use of such technologies, be it to ensure a better alignment of braces or to carry out dental extractions, among other complex procedures. The reasons to get a top-of-the-line intraoral scanner for your clinic are as follows:

Benefits of using technologies like an intraoral scanner in dentistry

There are two-pronged benefits of using digital technology in dentistry – one that impacts patients and the other that impacts dentists, in a positive way.

For patients

• Saves time as the patient does not have to spend a lot of time in the clinic, especially during the early stages of the treatment. The dentist needs to compare the digital workflow with the analog one to perform restorations. There is simply no need to use an impression material and asking the patient to wait for the PVS to dry, etc. With an intraoral scanner, it takes just 5 minutes to get an accurate image instead of the hours earlier.

• Safe and accurate as the scanner does not emit any harmful radiation and produces a scan by capturing the exact contours of your teeth.

• Comfort and convenience as the patient does not have to sit for long (15 minutes) by holding a rubber-like material in the mouth. This often led to uncomfortable situations like choking or gagging. However, by using an intraoral scanner the dentist can take the scan in a matter of seconds.

For dentists

•The technology allows a dentist to take scans of the mouths of patients in a matter of minutes thereby saving time.

•The process is highly accurate for it leverages advanced 3D video technology to capture the exact contours and shape of the teeth. By obtaining the correct dimensions of the patients’ teeth, the dentist can offer the right treatment.

•If the dentist is not happy with the impressions, he or she can recapture the same without repeating the whole process.

•The patients get a sense of receiving the best treatment with high-end technology thereby increasing trust in the dentist.

•The dentist can save costs on purchasing the impression material, ship, and store the same. The digital workflow of the scanner eliminates the need to have physical impressions. The digital impressions can be easily stored on a hard disk or a cloud server.


The intraoral scanner is miles ahead of the previous technology and allows the dentist to get accurate digital impressions of the contours of the patients’ teeth in a matter of minutes. Besides reducing the discomfort of the patient undergoing a dental procedure, it simplifies the dental treatment and allows the dentist to be efficient, accurate, productive, and cost-effective.