
Top 5 Ways an Intraoral Scanner Is Beneficial for Patients

: Top 5 Ways an Intraoral Scanner Is Beneficial for Patients

For many reasons, intraoral scanners have appealed to patients and doctors alike. This technology has made it possible to reduce the time consumption of dental treatment, offer same-day treatment and solutions, create a pleasant dental treatment experience, and more. Also, when it comes to quality, intraoral scanners are way better than traditional dentistry. These small handheld devices are designed to work in a smoother, better, and more convenient manner. Now, as a dentist, if you are thinking about how this will benefit your patients, then in this blog, we have helped you learn how intraoral scanners can help patients.

Top 5 Ways an Intraoral Scanner Is Beneficial for Patients

What Are Intraoral Scanners and How Do They Work?

An intraoral scanner is a small device that comes with imaging sensors to obtain a digital impression of the patient’s teeth and mouth. These scanners do not use molds that are used in the traditional scanning methods. What this new-age scanner does is project light into the oral cavity of the patient and capture images. These images are then sent through the scanning software tool, where they are then fabricated into a virtual 3D model.

The intraoral scanners have completely eliminated the use of messy impression materials like the traditional gummy model and manual handling of ceramic restorations. So, today, patients are not required to sit for long hours, and the treatment for them has become comfortable.

So, if you are eager to know what the different benefits are that a patient can get when dentists use intraoral scanners, they are as follows:

Top Ways Intraoral Scanners are Beneficial for Patients

Intraoral scanners such as Panda scanners are beneficial for patients in various ways. Let’s take a look at the benefits.

Pleasant experience

Intraoral scanners do not require the patients to sit with impression materials, such as alginate, in their mouths to give impressions. Instead, with the help of a small projection of light, dentists today can easily capture the impressions of the buccal cavity. So, patients who have strong reflexes and suffer from TMJ problems do not have to endure the tormenting process of providing an impression. Instead, they can relax easily during the impression procedure and have a great time.

No long procedure

With digital scanners like the Panda scanners, dentists can easily complete the scanning process within 3–5 minutes. Thus, the patient’s chair time is extremely short. Additionally, the patient is also not required to visit the clinic more than once since the scanners can obtain the impressions in one shot perfectly, unlike the traditional method.

High Accuracy

With the help of top-quality intraoral scanners, you can easily obtain high-quality impressions. Now, the restorations that are crafted using the impressions from the intraoral scanners turn out perfect, with accurate shape and size.


The modern intraoral scanner only uses lasers to scan the inside of the patient’s mouth, contrary to the common notion that harmful radiations are used. Therefore, the patients are not exposed to harmful radiation. Besides, they also do not have to suffer the risk of gagging and choking.

Improved patient education

One of the best parts of using an intraoral scanner is that the patients can watch the entire treatment process from the side monitor. This way, for them, the treatment can be more reassuring in comparison to traditional dentistry. Also, via the monitor, they can take a look at the condition of their oral cavity and understand why the dental practitioner is suggesting a particular treatment. They can start a conversation with the dentists, and the dentists can share some great oral care best practices with the patients.


Patients fear pain and long treatment procedures. And, with intraoral scanners, dentists today can offer their best in a short time and, more importantly, in a painless manner. This is why patients who have once undergone dental impression procedures with the help of digital scanners will not go back to dentists for traditional dentistry. This is how digital dentistry is making a difference in the world of dentistry. So, if you are a dentist who is thinking about whether investing in an intraoral scanner would be worth it, then know that it can be one of the best decisions you can make!