
The Lesser-Known Facts About Digital Dentistry

The Lesser-Known Facts About Digital Dentistry

One of the most common slogans of dental clinics is “We care for your smile”. However, that doesn’t tell how they’re going to improve your dental condition. As a matter of fact, many dentists still use the traditional methods to treat dental problems. Remember, traditional methods of dental treatment are slow, uncomfortable, lacking precision, and costly.

Luckily, the advent of digital dentistry and its advancements have made dental treatment procedures fast, reliable, comfortable, and most of all affordable.

However, what is digital dentistry and why is it dependable?

Let’s find out.

What is digital dentistry?

Any digital or computer-based technology that is used in the process of offering dental treatment is referred to as digital dentistry. With computer-based technology, dentists can further their dental practices by enhancing the oral healthcare of their patients. Consequently, doctors who have adopted digital dentistry are able to offer convenient and automated dental treatment processes without any hassle.

The Lesser-Known Facts About Digital Dentistry

Types of digital dentistry technology

When it comes to dental practice, there are various diagnosis and treatments involved that require computer-based technology. Here are some types of digital dentistry equipment you may come across during your dental appointments.

1. Intraoral camera

Those among us who’ve been to dental clinics know about the tiny round mirrors that dentists use when assessing your dental condition. Guess what? The latest intraoral scanners or cameras are slowly replacing them as they are much easier to handle plus save time, have higher precision, are user-friendly, and help interact with patients during treatment. For instance, with a China intraoral scanner you can examine the potential dental issues by checking them out on a digital screen without any hassle. Also, the images on the digital screen can be shared with the lab technicians to make crowns and bridges of accurate measurements for your teeth.

2. Digital radiography

X-rays are not uncommon in dental clinics as they are required during dental examinations to help with the treatment processes. It’s also true that they take time, are costly, and risk-prone. Besides, the prints need to be filed away in cabinets and then physically delivered to labs, clinics, or specialists. In that case, digital radiography saves you a lot of trouble. First of all, it’s faster. You can see the images immediately on the computer screen. Simultaneously, the files can be stored and shared with other dentists or experts, if required. Moreover, there’s less radiation exposure when you use digital radiography instead of a X-ray film.

3. Intraoral scanning and CAD/ CAM technology

In many dental clinics, the practice of putting a gooey substance in the mouth and asking you to bite down for taking an impression still continues. The intention of doing that is to make a mold to send it to the lab so that the dentist can offer you a device that will help replace, repair or align your teeth.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go through such stress because intraoral scanning and CAD/ CAM technology can create a 3D image of your dental condition that technicians use to create bridges, prostheses, inlays, onlays, and dentures for the patient.

4. Cancer screening tools

Another great advancement in terms of digital dentistry is fluorescent imaging, which helps detect abnormalities and signs of cancer that are invisible to the plain eye. The benefit of these digital tools is that they help to identify diseases like cancer at an early stage before it becomes serious. Hence, making way for a better prognosis and shorter recovery time.


Digitalization of dentistry is happening at a rapid pace. With these digital tools, dental professionals are able to offer better quality of treatments to patients with accurate results, convenience, and in a short time. It’s something that perfectly helps to care for your smile.