
How Important Are Digital Scanners in Dentistry?

How Important Are Digital Scanners in Dentistry?

The world of dentistry has made a huge progress due to technological advancement. The process of dental diagnosis and treatment have undergone a vast change for the better, and all the changes have been possible due to the introduction of intraoral scanners. These scanners have helped dental practitioners to overcome the limitations of traditional dentistry and offer a slew of benefits. Further, these scanners have not only made the workflow of dentists smooth but also, have helped patients to enjoy the process of diagnosis and treatment by eliminating the need for alginate materials. Thus, if you are a dentist who is still relying on traditional dentistry, then it is time for you to know how switching to digital dentistry can be of great help to you in this article.

How Important Are Digital Scanners in Dentistry?

Top Importance of Intraoral Scanners

Intraoral scanners play many vital roles in digital dentistry. Here, we have mentioned some of their important contributions.

Help to enhance patients’ experiences

As a dentist, you would want your patient to have a great time at your clinic while you are conducting diagnosis and treatment. However, with a conventional dentistry process, it is natural that you will not be in a position to offer such a smooth experience to them. This is becausethe traditional impression system is a long and tedious process, which includes the use of alginate material for obtaining impressions and puts the patients at high risk of choking and gagging.

In contrast, when you switch to digital dentistry, new scopes to conduct better, easy and comfortable treatment opens up. To be more precise, the digital impression system helps to eliminate the use of a long treatment process, with the help of an intraoral scanner you can easily achieve accurate results after diagnosis, and then begin the treatment on the same day. The wax-up model required to obtain an impression is also eliminated, so as a result patients can stay pain-free, risk-free and worry-free.

Super convenient for doctors to conduct treatments

A dentist who is using a traditional impression system will take more time to diagnose and treat a single patient. Plus, not only he/she will take her time but also, may have to conduct the entire process a second time because the traditional impression system is highly prone to errors. So, it will cost him time, resources, and even the footfall of patients may remain less. On the other hand, the dentist using an intraoral scanner will be in a position to conduct the diagnosis perfectly in a negligible amount of time, and the process to conduct the diagnosis and treatment both are simple. The intraoral scanners are lightweight and ergonomically designed to offer friendly treatments. Further, the scope of committing errors is also less. Hence, with all these benefits intraoral scanners make it super easy for dentists to conduct the treatment.

Faster turnaround time

When intraoral scanners are used in the treatment, patients are not required to wait long for their treatment to start and progress. In contrast, digital scanners enable dentists to start the treatment right after the diagnosis, and lab workers are in a position to craft the crown on the same day. With in-house milling, the process of fabricating the crown or bridges becomes super simple. Also, since the scanners conduct the scanning using a light source that is projected in the patient’s mouth, and then generates the impression images, the scope for committing the errors is considerably reduced, as they are not manually handled like in traditional dentistry.


These are some of the reasons why intraoral scanners are important in digital dentistry. It is hopefully quite clear to you that digital scanners are not only useful for conducting dentistry but also, these scanners have transformed the process involved in it. Hence, if you want to offer the best dental experience to your patients, faster turnaround time, and make the process simple, then it would be wise for you to embrace digital dentistry, and invest in an advanced intraoral scanner.