
How Are Intraoral Scanners Adding Values to Dental Practice?

How Are Intraoral Scanners Adding Values to Dental Practice?

In order to improve patients’ experiences and, consequently, the financial performance of their dental practices, an increasing number of dentists have started implementing intraoral scanners into their practices in recent years. Since a 3D dental scanner was first introduced to dentistry, its accuracy and usability have greatly increased with each passing year.

So, how does it help advance your dental profession? This blog will answer this question in detail.

Although we are confident that you have heard your peers discuss the intraoral scanning technology, you may still be unsure of it. When compared to traditional impressions, digital impressions offer both dentists and patients a number of benefits. Let us look at a few of the major advantages or rather values listed below.

How Are Intraoral Scanners Adding Values to Dental Practice?

Which are the top values of using a 3D dental scanner?

Here are the 6 most significant ones!

1. Precise scanning to remove remakes

The accuracy of intraoral scanning technology has significantly increased over the past few years as it has continued to advance in leaps and bounds. Digital impressions do not contain environmental factors like bubbles, distortions, etc., which are invariably present in conventional impressions. It not only lowers the cost of remakes but also shipping. The quicker turnaround time will be advantageous to you and your patients.

2. Simple to evaluate the quality

Dental professionals can instantly view and assess the quality of digital impressions, thanks to intraoral scanners. Before the patient leaves or sends the scan to your lab, you will be able to tell if you have a high-quality digital impression. The post-processing stage can identify missing data information, such as holes, and you can quickly rescan the previously scanned area, if necessary, without waiting for long.

3. Astound your patients with prompt and accurate scan

Since this is the main concern of almost all patients, they prefer to view the 3D data of their intraoral condition right at the very instant. Engaging patients and discussing treatment options is made simpler for dentists. Patients will also think a digital practice using intraoral scanners is more sophisticated and professional, and because they are enjoying their visit, they are more likely to tell their friends about it. This will boost your list of patients. Digital scanning is a fantastic marketing tool as well as a patient education tool.

4. Efficacious communication and quicker turnaround

Scan, click, send, and finish. It is as easy as it sounds! Dental professionals can instantly share the scanned data with their labs only because of the intraoral scanners. The lab will have quick feedback on the scan and your preparations. IOS can greatly speed up turnaround times compared to analog workflow, which takes days to complete and incurs much higher material and shipping costs. This is because the lab receives digital impressions immediately without delays.

5. Extremely high rate of return

Adapting to the digital age increases opportunities and competitiveness. Digital solutions may have an immediate payoff in the form of increased new patient visits, better treatment presentations, higher patient acceptance, and noticeably reduced material costs and chair time. Word-of-mouth referrals from happy clients will help your dental practice grow over the long term by bringing in more new patients who would trust your process of treatment.

6. Good for the environment and you

The adoption of a Panda intraoral scanner is a future strategy. As opposed to conventional workflows, digital workflows do not produce material waste. In addition to saving money on the cost of impression materials, it is great for the sustainability of our planet. The transition to a digital workflow also saves a lot of storage space and reduces the use of paper. In reality, everyone benefits from this, be it our planet or we.

Final Words:

Get to know more about the latest Panda intraoral scanner from Pingtum, which will offer you each of the values and merits mentioned above. Pingtum is a renowned brand that is strongly trusted in the world of dentistry for more reasons than one. So, go for it!