
Digital Impression System: The Future of Dentistry

The digital impression system is fast changing the way dentists diagnose and offer treatments for dental ailments. The digital impression system has made it convenient for dentists to prepare dental restorations, crowns, aligners and other dental prostheses. To be precise, with the help of a digital impression system, dentists can map the oral cavity of the patients by utilizing laser beams.

Apart from these, the digital impression systems offer an array of facilities and advantages in comparison to the conventional instruments. Fast treatment, easy data storage, and enhanced patient experience are some of the advantages of including a digital impression system to your workflow. Moreover, these digital scanners can be used for both diagnostic and restorative purposes.

Types of Digital Impression System

There are mainly two types of digital impression technology:

  1. One category of digital impression system captures the image of the oral cavity and then displays it on a side-monitor for better viewing and analysis. The monitor helps to view the teeth contours and gums, and eliminates the need for patients to hold the wax-up materials in their mouth. Besides, this type of system does not need the application of powder coating before scanning.
  • Another type of system is equipped with blue LEDs that the machine uses to scan. These blue LEDs are optical scanners placed over the reflective surface, which require powder to create the representation of your tooth’s morphology.

Digital Benefits

The digital intraoral impressions make the process extremely easy for patients who have strong gagging reflexes, are concerned and feel uneasy about undergoing dental treatments using traditional impression procedures. These scanners, besides marking margins, can minimize the chances of over-trimming. Also, these systems automatically savethe digital file even after the margin has been trimmed digitally.

Benefits over Conventional Methods

Over time, the digital scanning technology has become widespread and the patients gotten used to its convenience. So, whether the dentist needs to diagnose or craft aligners or implants, the use of China intraoral scanners has become much sought-after under digital dentistry. This scanner not only aids in scanning the oral cavity and creating dental restorations, but also helps to register the bites of the patients in the process and ensure accurate measurements.

Other Advantages of Using a Digital Impression System

Let’s check out the other benefits:

  • A digital impression system can be used to offer precise, superior and an effective patient experience.
  • Can be used to obtain images quickly and enable dentists to get a 360-degree view of the same. This helps them prepare margins and designs in real-time.
  • Dentists can easily send the impressions to the laboratory in the digital format.
  • Helps to procure accurate impressions with measurements and minimizes the chance of errors and inaccuracies in restoration.
  • The workload of a dentist is reduced considerably thereby increasing the turnaround time for treatment.

Final Thoughts

Today, more number of dentists are switching to digital dentistry to offer enhanced patient experience, boost patients’ footfalls, and have an edge over their competitors. The digital impression system facilitates quick, user-friendly, accurate, and convenient diagnosis and treatment.