
Can Intraoral Scanner Benefit Your Practice? A Brief Guide

Can Intraoral Scanner Benefit Your Practice? A Brief Guide

Do your patients ask about intraoral scanner when booking an appointment? Or has a colleague told you how benefitting it would be to include it in your practice? Whether it’s a patient or a colleague, the popularity and usage of the intraoral scanner have increased to a great degree in the last decade.

Since digital scanners like Panda P3 intraoral scanner have taken the job of obtaining a dental impression to a whole new level, every dentist in town wants to include it in his or her practice.

So, why has it got so much attention?

For starters, you don’t have to be worried about inaccuracy because it’s precise. Secondly, it’s comfortable, touch-free, and saves you a lot of time. Most importantly, patients don’t have to go through an unpleasant process of dental treatment as used to happen in earlier times. On top of that, the technology of digital scanners has evolved to a great extent since its inception, thus making it easier to work with. 

Top Advantages of Using an Intraoral Dental Scanner

So while you were wondering what makes a digital intraoral scanner special, we’ve made a list of advantages that it brings to both dentists and patients.

Low cost and less storage hassle

Dental scanning is always a better option than PVS, alginate, and plaster models because it’s faster and easier in every aspect. An intraoral scanner is a device that helps dentists take an initial model or impression of the patient before beginning the treatment. Consequently, it doesn’t require any space for storage because there are no physical impressions to be stored. Also, it removes the expenses for buying impression materials and shipping them as the digital scans could be sent via mail.

Easy diagnosis and treatment

Like mentioned earlier, with the advent of an intraoral scanner the diagnosis of a patient’s dental health became a lot more pleasant than in earlier times. In the traditional dental impression technique, patients have to go through gag reflex and spend a lot of time on the chair which can be quite uncomfortable. Moreover, it is time-consuming to get an accurate impression which makes the whole process quite unpleasant. It’s one of the reasons why people hated the idea of visiting a dental clinic. 

With digital dentistry, diagnosing patients and offering them quality treatment have become easier. You must know that in contemporary times, dental procedures are practiced and tried virtually before executing an irreversible dental process in reality. Also, the probe of the scanner is moved around wherein the patient can see how their teeth look like. Such facilities were not there earlier and have been obtained as a direct result of technological advancement. 

Indirect bonding is pleasant, accurate, and fast

In order to determine the shift of jigs onto the patient’s teeth, braces were directly placed in the traditional way. Indeed, the braces were usually accurate, but they consumed more time and were impractical in nature.

Today, digital indirect bonding is faster, easy to use, and is 100% accurate. Moreover, dentists nowadays scan with a dental scanner wherein the braces are virtually placed. This is done prior to the making of transfer jigs and printed with a 3D printer. 


The digitalisation of dentistry has helped doctors and patients at many levels. We should not forget that communication between the dentists and lab was a big issue in the earlier days. Hence, dental treatment processes used to be late and expensive for many reasons. On the other hand, dental scanners made things faster, more comfortable, and efficient. So, if you want to practice hassle-free dentistry, an intraoral scanner like the Panda P3 intraoral scanner should be in your armoury. This will makes the whole process of diagnosis easier for both the patient and dentist.